% hhpi
check Foo.hs
Foo.hs:7:15:Not in scope: `B.append'
NG quit
check <HaskellFile>
Checks syntax with GHC
find <symbol>
Finds all module names exporting <symbol>
info <HaskellFile> <expr>
Displays information about the expression
type <HaskellFile> <line> <column>
Displays the types of all expressions including the expression
lint [hlint options] <HaskellFile>
Checks synstax with Hlint
Displays boot information for Emacs front-end
browse [<package>:]<module>
Displays symbols of <module>
quit (or empty string)
Terminate hhpi
## Options
Option should be the form of Haskell's list of `String` (i.e. `[String]`).
Here is an example:
lint ["--ignore=Use camelCase", "--ignore=Eta reduce"] Foo.hs
## Session separators